NPPFA Educational Supporters
An Educational Supporter is an institutional investor such as a pension fund, endowment, and foundation that recognizes the mission and vision of the National Public Pension Fund Association in providing the resources and education for all institutional investors, pension trustees, and industry professionals.
What being a supporter includes:
Educational Supporters will be displayed on the NPPFA website under the Educational Supporters page. Being a supporter is annual so educational supporters will only be displayed on the website for the duration of one year and will be taken down after that year unless they renew for the next year.
Educational Supporters will get admission waived for two people for all NPPFA events annually.
Supporters gain educational hours awarded in the form of CEU’s through NPPFA’s partnership with Bradley University at NPPFA events and conferences.
Food and accommodations for the National Round Table Conference are covered by NPPFA to those in attendance. being and Educational Supporter includes two members of your Pension Board in attendance.